Hi. I’m Jean.

I’m the creator, developer and all-around everything for Moneywyn.
Happy to have you here!
Moneywyn is a site and app all about the 50/30/20 budget guideline. It’s your place to learn about budgeting and saving money to help build wealth for you and your family.
“When your money is in balance, you always have enough to pay your bills, have some fun, and save for your dreams.”
– Elizabeth Warren & Amelia Warren Tyagi
More About Me
I am a Performance Engineer and Consultant with a love for managing money. I am always looking for better ways to optimize and save money. In 2005, I came across a book at a New Jersey library called All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi.
In this book, the authors break down spending into three primary categories: Needs, Wants, and Savings. Each category has a specified target percentage of your earnings that should be going to it, helping to keep your spending in balance: 50% for Needs, 30% for Wants, and 20% for Savings. If you’re in balance, you are within the percentages and are likely on your way to building wealth for yourself and your family because you are living within your needs.
In 2011, I decided to develop the Moneywyn app because I had used the methods in the book (and many others) for years to manage my family’s money. The book helped my wife and I understand how we were spending our money, and helped us take action to address spending that left us out of balance. We now can focus on only the Needs, Wants, and Savings to help save time. However, we can dig deeper into the weeds when we want to as well.
The Moneywyn app, and now this blog, exists as a way to help others in a similar situation as ours. If you are married or in a committed relationship, this app will especially help you and your spouse stay on track financially.